Monday, September 18, 2017

739: Two Years of Kindness Everyday in Memory of Elijah

It is 8:25pm.

Levi has the little ones and they are going to the store, so right now I am enjoying the peace and quiet lol, and blogging without someone begging me for my computer.

Yeah, they should probably be in bed and I'm sure someone out there would disapprove of my parenting lol, but today was a wild day and we live the life where we just roll with it. I kind of love it.

I have been doing some more "purging," trying to downsize and clear out more "stuff" on the bus. I had this helium tank but I didn't have a place for it, so we blew up all the balloons we had and had a balloon party just for the heck of it. I hope it is a memory they grow up and adore. It was really fun to see them so excited over something so simple.

But poor Alex kind of missed out on it, because he has Strep Throat...whomp whomp. We went to the doctor this morning and he has meds and has been resting. He seems to be doing okay in spite of the Strep, but feel free to send him some love. I'm sure he will appreciate it.

I have been doing lots of little acts of kindness--kind of behind the scenes lately. For all that I share, there is ALOT I don't share. However, today marks the TWO YEARS of Elijah's Family (that's us) doing acts of kindness in Elijah's memory. And I know that I have been really hard on myself for all the things that didn't work out, or all the places I haven't been yet, but TWO YEARS of kindness everyday in Elijah's memory is pretty big. I am tearing up just thinking about it. I sure hope he is proud of all the love we have put into spreading love for him. He is such an inspiration.

I guess a balloon party really was needed today. <3

Well, with that being said. I think I will do a few more acts of kindness before I go take a shower and get ready for bed.

Sending so much love out to the world, and to all of you! Don't forget to keep Elijah's legacy alive by doing an act of kindness in his name and sharing it with the hashtag #loveelijah. You guys are so awesome and together we are changing the world for Elijah.

Two years of small acts done every single day with great love. 
Two years of changing the world for you.
And it just the beginning. 
I love you and miss you so much Elijah.

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