Friday, September 30, 2016

386: Happy Birthday Levi

It is 9:08pm.

Today is my husband Levi's birthday.

I wish we could have done more to celebrate but we made do with what we had...because that seems to be a trend here lately.

I tried to help him exercise today lol but it was a little too much for me.

We did find out about another gym in Natchitoches that might work for now as far as sparing goes and when we get settled, he can go check it out.

Somehow we will figure this all out.

But yeah... It was a pretty low key birthday celebration.

I would give him the world if I could and I hope he knows that. I hope he knows just how proud of him I am and how thankful I am for us really sticking together through thick and thin. I hope he knows how much I love him. And I hope that somehow he managed to have a happy birthday today.

This morning I woke up kind of teary eyed over missing Elijah.

I miss him all the time, but there are just some moments where his absence is just so strong that I can't help but cry.

And lately Julien and Alex have been leaving Gabe out of things and I feel like I should be able to tell Gabriel "why don't you play with Elijah?" but I can't.

It is the little things...and it is the big things. It is everything that makes me miss him.

Please keep praying. Pray for our world. Pray for our family. Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Elijah, if you can, please visit your dad in his dreams tonight and wish him happy birthday.
He loves and misses you so very much.
More than you could ever imagine.
I love you sweet boy.
Miss you always

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