I just finished painted 50 something rocks to put out on the riverbank next Friday night, so that people can find them next Saturday morning at Blooming on the Bricks. I will paint more through out the week--some just to place around town.
Today the weather was supposed to be nasty, and it ended up being gorgeous. We got to grill and spend some time outdoors. It was a good day.
I wanted to work more on my Kickstarter, but Facebook is kind of mad at me lol. I don't think I will be able to do my 100 messages a day like I wanted, because it thinks I am spamming people and keeps telling me I am sending too many messages too quickly. Which kind of sucks, because it is really the only way I seem to be reaching people. So I will just have to stretch it out more I guess and message less people in a day. Today I have only made it to 35 people. But we are now at $913. I just need to keep steadily growing and I will be okay. I am also hoping these 2 events coming up will help.
Above all, I need to stay positive and remind myself that raising $913 in pledges is a HUGE accomplishment! I should be proud of myself for the risks I have taken and the fears I have conquered just to get where I am right now. So today I will just choose to be thankful.
I will figure out something with this whole messaging thing. It is just another bump in the road. I won't let it stop me.
All I can do is let go of what I can't control and then work on the things I can.
But, it is Saturday night, so I think I am going to finish up my work, take a bath and then just veg out to The Kindness Diaries on Netflix.
Sending you all lots of love! Have a beautiful weekend. Do the things you love.
And please keep praying for our world. Pray for our earth. Pray for each other. Pray for our families. Pray for our children. Pray for hope. Pray for peace. Pray for love. Pray for you! Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet sweet Elijah.
Thank you.
Oh sweet boy.
I love and miss you so much.
Send love where you know it is needed.
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