Now that The Kind Knight has met it's kickstarter goal, it's time to take the next steps.
First, we still have 10 days left that pledges can still be made- so if you would like to make a pledge, there is still time!!!
Next, thank you again to everyone who has supported The Kind Knight and his awesome journey of kindness. I honestly am on cloud nine with gratitude towards each and every one of you. You guys are so awesome!
Tomorrow I am "meeting" with my publishing company over the phone. My publishing expert has already had a chance to review the book and loved it. She and I are going to talk about what I will need to do to get the book formatted for print and talk about getting hardcopies for sale on Amazon as well as ordering the hard copies I will need to do publicity and community outreach.
I also contacted Together We Rise today to let them know the good news. I think I am most excited about being able to help them and the amazing things they do everyday!
Well it's time for me to get ready for my "day job."
Hope you all have a great day!
Be Kind,
Kelly Airhart
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