23 days to go.
Okay, so yesterday I tweeted about 100 or so people asking for pledges and help getting The Kind Knight's kickstarter out there. I ended up with a lot of retweets, but only about $35 in pledges. Which is good. I am happy to have pledges. There actually has been at least one pledge everyday since my kickstarter started. This is good news. I know the money will come.
Yesterday I was a little quiet on the rest of my social media, because the tweeting took quite a bit of time out of my morning, and then I had to go to work yesterday afternoon. But I haven't given up!
Today I am working on making some candy bags to go and hand out to people while asking for support on my project. I've joined a new social media page called TSU which seems really cool. (you can friend me at http://www.tsu.co/kellyairhart). I sent press releases out to a local newspaper, and I am still scheming and planning in almost every moment of the day.
I guess the point I am trying to make is I haven't given up, and I won't because I am super confident in my project and in the impact it has the potential to make. And I think that you should be too! Keep up the pledges and the sharing. Every single bit of support helps!
I want to take this update to tell you about the organization I will be donating partial proceeds to once I sell copies of The Kind Knight.

Together We Rise is a non-profit organization dedicated to transforming the way youth navigate through the foster care system in America.
All of my children are mine. I gave birth to them, they look just like me, and they are very lucky to have a mom and dad that will never want to or hopefully never have to leave them. Same goes for all of my friends and their families. So, you might be wondering why I chose and organization that pertains to children in foster care? And that is a very good question.
The basis of all that I try to teach and promote is kindness. Kindness is the simplest thing in the world that anyone can do. There is no financial restriction, no amount of education needed, and no rules to follow. It is simply the consideration of others and taking the time to care. Even though kindness is an easy choice, sometimes there are factors that make it a little bit harder to achieve. Feeling scared or alone and forgotten is one of them.
Children are so beautiful in the way that they see the world in all its glory. They haven't been jaded or taught to distrust. They are so great at reaching out and meeting new people and sharing their joy and wonder with everyone. I feel like every child should feel like that.
Sometimes circumstances cause people to have harder lives than they deserve, but that doesn't mean they should ever feel alone. If they offered the support and love that they need, I feel like they can continue to keep the joy, wonder and kindness in their hearts.
I started following Together We Rise one day out of the blue, and I just fell in love with their compassion and their excitement to help these kids in need. They wanted to do everything they could to help these kids in probably one of the most difficult moments of their lives. They had donations made for toys, and bikes, and simple things like duffle bags filled with items that children enjoy or need. They wanted to let these kids know that they are not alone. They are loved. They matter.
It is such a simple thing, but sometimes simple things make the biggest changes.
Here is a little bit more info on Together We Rise from their website:
"Together We Rise is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization comprised of motivated young adults and former foster youth. Our vision is to improve the lives of foster children in America, who often find themselves forgotten and neglected by the public. TWR has built a foundation of passionate volunteers who work tirelessly to transform the way kids experience foster care. Our foundation has allowed us to provide thousands of foster kids across the country with sports equipment, bicycles, and suitcases so that children do not have to travel from home to home with their clothing in a trash bag."
Please check out more when you can and continue to support them whenever possible:
Okay, back to work with finding pledges for The Kind Knight.
I hope that soon all of my hard work will be able to benefit others like Together We Rise and the awesome children out there who just need a little more love.
Thanks again for your support! I could never do this without you.
Be Kind,
Kelly Airhart
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