So today I thought it would be fun to hand out some candy bags to potential book loving backers at the book store that I frequent.
I stuffed all the bags with high quality 50% Valentine's clearance candy and put a little info slip about The Kind Knight's Kickstarter in it.

Cute huh?
Well, I have to say, that most of the people I approached actually responded poorly to
I tried to explain I wasn't selling anything, but most of them looked at me like I was trying to convert them to some crazy religion or ask them to join a cult...neither of which I would ever do (promise).
There was even one guy who asked if my name was on the flier. I am hoping that it was because he wanted to do his research about me and possibly spread the word, but there is the slightly worried side of me that thinks maybe he wanted to report me for
Anyways, there is a silver lining in all of this! (yay) I did find a special group of students who were at the bookstore on a field trip. They were all excited to be there, and I just felt in my heart like the right thing to do was to hand out the candy to them. Luckily, they had some pretty awesome teachers with them who seemed excited for me and my hope is that they will spread the world and possibly find some pledges for me. And if not? Well...I did a good deed. Those kids were very grateful for the candy. <3
I also made some little hand outs to place on the sign in table at my son's school. I will be dropping those off later today.

I am getting closer to making a date with The Boys and Girls Club to make a "reading date" too!
All in all, today has been a good productive day. I am happy.
Thank you again for all your support! I will say it time and time again, I cannot do this without you :)
Be Kind,
Kelly Airhart
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