Tuesday, May 24, 2016

still not done...

It is 10:10pm.

I have been up since 5:30ish and I'm so tired. After 2 days of cleaning and stacking boxes and having emotional breakdowns over tiny little items left behind, I am still not done.

The kids are sick. I'm tired and I'm going to bed...

So many things to catch up on tomorrow....so if you are waiting on me for something....tomorrow is the day it happens my friends....tonight...I sleep.

Send prayers. Prayers for me, prayers for my studio. Prayers for my kids. Prayers for my family. And always, prayers for my Elijah.


Elijah, today your dad agreed to audition for The Amazing Race with me, and we are going to try and win for you!!! Send down some loving, and shine down on us always. We love you so much.

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