Sunday, May 22, 2016

Storage Wars

It is 10:30pm.

I should be asleep...but today has been a busy one.

This morning I went to Wal-Mart where I ended up buying a little girl's roller skates on a whim. It was my act of kindness for Elijah, and I don't know what made me do it, but I am sure glad I did. You should have seen just how happy it made her and her family. I will never forget their smiles!

Then I went back to the studio to start organizing...

When we pulled everything out of our storage unit and brought it to the studio, we just threw it all in the back room, and I never went through any of it...

So basically it was a huge mess and it left me with no actual extra storage space, which I really need.

Today we started cleaning that room.

If you saw my studio right now, it looked like a tornado went through Goodwill, and somehow it all just dropped in to the middle of our floor. It is a mess.

But the hardest part about all if, was going through bags and boxes and finding Elijah's things...

Even harder than finding his things, was finding things that his brothers have outgrown that I was saving for him and not knowing what to do with it all because he is not here to where any of it.

It was like a punch in the gut.

So, I decided to keep some things, and put some things away to donate.

But the stuff I bought specifically for him--I will never give away.

This is a picture of just some of Elijah's things. :(

Anyways, after going through some of these clothes, I needed to get out. 

I took Julien and Alex (Gabriel is sick) and we were going to go on our next hike, but our Google Map App brought us to this Urban Park area instead of an actual trail. 

It was beautiful, but I don't feel like it really fits in with my actual 98 hikes...

After making the little loop, we also walked through a nearby cemetery.

Here are some pictures from that (we kind of went crazy with leaving Elijah's name behind lol):

God, I love this broken wing angel. I am going to edit this picture a little more, but I feel like this statue pretty much sums up everything I am feeling.

I'm glad I found her. 

I also found one of those "little library boxes" which I am totally going to return to and donate a copy of each of my books in Elijah's memory.

Omg. I need to be in bed. I have my gym class at 6am tomorrow morning...

Need sleep. Good night.

Oh sweet boy. How I miss you so. I hope that you can see everything we do for you from Heaven. I hope you can see all the places your name has been written. I hope you can see how much we love and miss you.
But I mostly just wish I could see you.

<3 Goodnight sweet boy. 

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