Monday, June 13, 2016

Where There is Love, There is Hope

It is 11:43pm

Right now I am waiting on my Monday Night Memorial to finish saving so I can post it to youtube... which will make it more of a Tuesday Morning Memorial I suppose, but it will just have to be late.

Tonight Alex and I went to the candlelight memorial downtown for all of the victims and families from yesterday's shooting.

I am so glad we did.

I will have pictures tomorrow, but tonight I got to hug a friend, I got to hug strangers. I got to see tons of people handing out water and candles, and holding signs of love. I got to see this community show kindness and compassion in the middle of chaos and trauma.

This is what I try to do everyday for Elijah. And to see that love come from so many other people for these victims was simply amazing.

There are a lot of scary things happening in the doubt.

But where there is still love, there is still hope.

I honestly don't know what is going on with my computer, or why this video is taking so long to upload... I am so sorry.

Tomorrow we are going to go visit family in Georgia. We have a grandmother who we need to see, and I am hoping the kids will consider it a vacation lol.

Today has been a crazy ride of emotions...from restless, to angry, to numb, to deeply moved and hopeful.

I was listening to talk radio earlier (something I swore as a child I would never do), and they had a grief counselor on.

She spoke about how important it is right now to let these families know that we are there. Even if you were not sure what to say, let them know you don't know what to say. Ask if they have eaten. Bring them food. Ask if they need their laundry done. Tell them you care! And I wanted to scream 'YES!' at the top of my lungs, because it is so important. SO SO important.

Also, she spoke about how incidents like this can trigger grief in people whose loss isn't directly related to this tragedy. (Which I can attest for).

So, please, if you know someone who is hurting, just a few words can make all the difference in the world. Please don't stay silent just because you don't know what to say....TELL THEM YOU LOVE THEM!!!! It is really that easy.

Well there seems to still be 13 minutes left on the video upload.

I will post it to my Facebook page once it loads, and I will share it on my blog tomorrow along with pictures from tonight's memorial...

Thank you for your patience, and thank you to all of you who have shown your support for Orlando and these families. It really means a lot.

Elijah I thought about you tonight as I lifted my candle to the sky. 
It was one of those numbing moments.
I hate that feeling.
The feeling of wanting to feel something more.
I had a few selfish moments of wishing people would have thrown a huge candlelight memorial for you...but that is just the ugly side of grief...
And honestly, nothing would ever be enough.
I hate this for all of us...these parents who now know our pain of sudden and unexpected loss.
It is terrible.
I love you and miss you so much. 
So so so so so so so so so so so so much.
Shine down on us boogie.

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