Tuesday, August 30, 2016


It is 9:20pm

I am sitting here arguing with Levi about how the zombie apocalypse and how ridiculous it is....

And...now the conversation has moved to sweat and mouth-guards...

I definitely live in a house full of boys, and I love every minute of it.

Today I did a good bit of packing, but it still feels like I have a ton left to do. Hopefully tomorrow we will get it done and then I can just rest.

I made a "vlog" for The Love, Elijah Project blog today in the midst of all the chaos. Here it is, incase you missed it all the other places I posted:

I also worked a little bit on my companion book for newly bereaved parents, and started writing little story that I might turn into a novel...if I ever find the time lol (forgive me if you are my Facebook friend and have already seen this, I have followers who read my blog and aren't my Facebook friend).

This is what I have written so far (it is just a rough beginning):

“Can I send her another sunflower now?” Elijah asked as he knelt down on top of the cloud of giving.

“Ha. Ha. Slow down boy. She knows your there. I promise.” A gentle giant placed his hand on Elijah’s shoulder and comforted him.

“No. She doesn’t know. Look at those tears. She doesn’t believe it yet.” 

Elijah ran back to what seemed like an unending field of golden sunflowers. 

The skies were purple and pink and the clouds were silver. The air was filled with wonder and magic, and there was an ora of peace that earthly humans could never experience.

He struggled and spun around the stem of the first sunflower he could find until it broke off into his dirty hands. 

Clumsily he ran back to the hole in the clouds, dodging the hands of the gentle giant. 

The sunflower then slipped through his fingers and floated down to the Earth below.

“I miss you mom.”


Every morning it was the same 2 mile walk through the same old neighborhood.

It was the same judging stares from the fancy cats sitting in front of their fancy houses. 

It was the same fake smiles of the other mom’s with beautiful babies and beautiful bodies.

She hated it. She hated every second of it.

She pulled at the drawstring of her baggy grey sweatpants and wiped the tears that welled up in her eyes. Her world was crumbling and everyone else’s world was still turning. It just seemed so unfair. 

Suddenly there was a strong gust of wind. This clumsy breeze pushed all of her hair into her face as a blanket of leaves swirled and danced around her. 

Stunned and startled she stood there with her eyes closed for a minute as if she wanted to believe this was a sign from the heavens above. 

As she slowly opened her eyes, at her feet laid the most beautiful golden sunflower you had ever seen.

It had been one year today that her son Elijah passed away.

“I don’t understand. Why can’t she see me?”  Elijah strapped up his sandals and grabbed a golden pear off the table and shined it with his shirt. He packed it into his pocket.

The gentle giant dumped a whole bowl of pears into his mouth and talked through each bite.
“You have passed on from her universe. One day she too will pass into this universe and she will see you again.” 

The giant finished his sentence with a loud and wet burp. 

“She wouldn’t like that. Mom hated when people talked with their mouths full,” Elijah sighed.

“She sounds like a lovely woman,” the giant slurped up the last bit of pear skin between his teeth.

“Your not being very helpful.” Elijah stormed out of the house. 

The sun was shining bright and the temperature was perfection. A breeze blew and the smell of fresh pancakes filled the air.

Elijah loved the smell of fresh pancakes.

When he was on earth with his family, the summer time was when his mom would make pancakes every morning. She would hold him and dance to oldies and they would both laugh.

The heavens were a beautiful place, and there was a peace that could never be felt on earth, but Elijah had always been quite serious and stubborn. He still didn’t understand why the separation of earthly humans and heavenly beings was so severe.

Taking a bite of his pear he started down the dirt trail.

Butterflies flew all around and everywhere you turned their where fields of sunflowers swaying in the sunlight.

Kelly walked into the kitchen and placed the sunflower into a vase and placed it on the counter.

She grabbed a pear and took a bite of it as she stared blankly into space.

“Hey,” she heard gently as her husband, Elijah’s father, walked into the kitchen.

“Hey,” she whispered back.

Oh, and I got up and walked this morning! And I worked this evening.

See how much I get done when I get up and walk in the morning? 

Speaking of walking, we will not be making our big cross continental walk next month because Levi has "pro-class" tryouts for his MMA gym coming up soon.  He has been working so hard at this and I don't want him to miss this. I am so excited for him and super proud. I know he is going to do great!!!

But even if we walk in March, or whenever we walk, I think we are still going to make it a "walking home for christmas" type deal because the goal will be to get into a home by next Christmas.

So yay for that too...

Anyways, today was a not so bad day...

But we still need lots of prayers.

Prayers for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for my awesome husband who is totally going to get into this pro class. Pray for me and all my crazy dreams. And always always, pray for my sweet Elijah.

Hi Elijah.
Hi sweet boy.
Hi my sunflower.
I am so proud of your dad and how hard he has worked to get this far at the gym.
He is doing this for you.
We both miss you and love you so much.
Good night my boogie.

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