Monday, August 29, 2016

Complain to Blogger

It is 10:01pm.

Does anyone else use blogger?

If so, when you write your blog, do you see that big orange button that says, "Complain to Blogger."?

Have you ever been tempted to just click on it and really complain? Like just let them have it?

"Dear Blogger, I have had one really crappy day. I woke up late. My stomach hurt. I had to pack up boxes. Work sucked. I'm missing my son..."

What do you think they would say? lol.

I am so tempted right now, just because my day kind of sucked and I need a laugh...

But I'll let that temptation slide this time.

I guess...

Anyways, today was pretty stressful, if you couldn't tell.

I just hate days where I don't get up and go walking. I feel like if I don't get up and go walking, everything else just kind of falls apart.

But I stayed up kind of late last night, and when I got up my stomach was in knots and I just couldn't do it.

I brought the kids to Ikea for our little Ikea Monday tradition we started, then I came back here and disassembled a table and boxed up some more items.

The best part of this day was how well behaved the kids have been and how they still laugh and are so happy go lucky through all of this.

I hope they don't look back at this one day and think that I failed them. I know they are happy now, but I am not ready for the day reality hits them and they see how poorly I did when it came to giving them a stable living environment...but maybe we will do well on this walk (whenever it actually happens) and somehow we will come through with a home for them.

Anyways, work was stressful because orders weren't getting called in for some reason, and my customers were upset because it was taking me so long to get their food to them, and my tips sucked. But I still made my $10 an hour minimum for the 3 hours I worked, so I really shouldn't be complaining...

AND...that was my day.

I am going to try to get to bed now. I really want to walk in the morning. My stomach is still hurting, but maybe it will pass and I will feel well enough to walk.

Please keep praying.

Pray for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me and my stomach. And always always, pray for my sweet Elijah.

Just look at you. 
You are so loved.
Why would God let someone so loved slip away?
I'm not angry anymore.
I think I have said that.
But it doesn't mean that I don't understand.
I guess one day we will have all the answers right?
I just know that I love and miss you so much.
Good night my boogie.
Sweet dreams...if you even have those in Heaven.


  1. Kelly - have you looked into cleaning houses through the service Handy? I know they always hire people in Orlando and you can work whatever hours and however many hours you need for your schedule.

  2. Kelly - have you looked into cleaning houses through the service Handy? I know they always hire people in Orlando and you can work whatever hours and however many hours you need for your schedule.


1,520 days: Overwhelm.

It is 8:49am. Everyone is still asleep... I have my "happy light" shining into my  peripheral  vision, and my vitamins and medic...