Tuesday, September 27, 2016

383: Natchitoches

It is 8:47pm

We are at my dad's house for the next couple of days until we get some paperwork taken care of, and then we are headed to spend some time with Levi's grandmother while everything processes.

Today we went by and checked out the local MMA gym...and it is very different (as was expected).

The guy was very nice and seemed excited to put together some ideas for Levi and even talked about events and fighting, so there is a little promise there. But we still need to find someway to get Levi into a gym facility for fitness stuff. And we are operating on a budget of next to nothing...so things are about to get really interesting lol. Levi's gym in florida had already been paid off for the year.

Hopefully he will be able to find good enough training to prepare him to be a successful fighter.

One of my biggest fears of having to move back here is that all this hard work he has put into his MMA training falls off and he won't be able to pursue his dream of fighting for Elijah.

Also the gym doesn't have all the classes Alex was taking, so that kind of stinks too. But I guess we are all going to have to find ways to make the best of what we have right now.

I am trying to stay positive, but I have to admit that today it has been hard. And I'm not really ready to accept the fact that this is our home right now....even if it is just temporary.

It is not a thing against Natchitoches or the people here. It is just hard to give up on something you worked so hard for and come back.

Maybe once we are settled, things will turn around. But it will be hard to adjust.

I am not the same girl that once lived here before. I liked being away. I liked having a separate story and a far away place to return to.

And who knows....maybe it will be like the story of The Alchemist where Santiago travels the world to find great treasures, and then he finds that the treasures he had been searching for were in Spain all along (the place where he first left for his great adventure).

I'm just hoping this isn't the end of my great adventures.

Anyways, I am really tired from our drive last night and still have a lot to do tomorrow.

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me. And always always, pray for my sweet Elijah.

Hi chubby cheeks.
I miss your sweet face.
I just want to reach through the screen and give you all the sugars.
I love you with all my heart and soul
and am just trying my hardest to do what I can.
We will still change the world for you. I promise.

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