Wednesday, September 28, 2016

384: Regrets Are Not On The List

It s 8:53pm.

Today started off extremely stressful because not only did I find out that Shipley's Donuts has closed, I had no idea the social security office had moved and then I ended up having to go to like 5 different locations to get all the information gathered and turned in. But it is mostly taken care of.

(BTW....Shipley's is this little donut shop that has been in Natchitoches forever. It hasn't been quite the same for some time now after the original owners retired, but I have so many fond memories of going to that little building with my parents, with my girl scout troop, and with my kids too! So I kind of freaked out when I saw it closed...but apparently the building is going to reopen as another donut shop, so I guess that is good news)

After running around town I came home and took the boys to a playground and then to the Library.

Ya know, I LOVE Orlando, but I was never really impressed with any of the libraries I had visited there, so it is really nice to have the Natchitoches Parish Library to use again (for now).

The kids and I got lots of books and Alex is FINALLY reading Harry Potter.

It has been the little things that have saved the day today (and tonight. We saw some lightning bugs just a little while ago <3)...but we still have some major things to figure out.

We were supposed to hear from the guy at the MMA place about what he could do for Levi, but he hasn't contacted us yet and that is starting to make Levi kind of doubtful.

Hopefully he is just tied up with things, and will get back to us soon because I am NOT going to let Levi give up. Giving up is not an option. He has worked too hard to give up now. We will find a way to make it happen.

Also, I have not spent anytime on my books since we have started this big move, and I have a lot of work to do if I want to get 3 Christmas books out by the end of October.

ANDDDD....We have to find a way to bring in some

Sooooo....if you need some pictures done, I am willing to work pretty cheap ;)  Like $25 cheap. I was thinking 30 minute sessions and all your photos sent to you via drop box. If you are in Natchitoches and want to make it happen, just let me know!

AND if you need a work out buddy, I will lend Levi to you for like $25/hr lol. He is really great at that kind of stuff.

OR I am totally down for being your walking buddy for like $25/hour. You can vent and walk with me and I will keep it all confidential. (I am not a counselor or personal trainer but I can keep you motivated and try to make you smile!)


Anyways, this just popped up in my newsfeed:

I have fallen so far behind on everything I have been working on with The Love, Elijah Project and next month is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month, so I feel kind of bad about it.

But when I saw this I remembered last year at this time I was just discovering a whole other world of grieving parents that I had no idea existed. I had NO clue that 1 in every 3 women lose their child during their pregnancy or before the child turns one.

I had no idea the amount of heartache and sadness that was hidden in plain sight everyday.

While it made me feel better to know I wasn't alone, it broke my heart to know that so many others were going through this pain I felt over losing Elijah.

This photo project is a beautiful way to help grieving parents tell their stories and try to "normalize their grief" and help other people understand what it is we go through.

Last year I could not make it through the project because I got the word "regret" and it killed me. I wasn't ready to talk about my regrets.

This year I am a little bit stronger and regrets are not on the list. So hopefully I make it through.

You just never know who you help by sharing your story.

Anyways, Gabriel just fell asleep on my arm and my dad's neighbor  just pulled up to bring us eggs and blue jeans for the boys.

You guys have a good night and remember to pray for our word, my family, me, and of course my sweet Elijah.

Hi sweet boy.
I haven't forgotten about you or our promise to do great things for you.
Your momma is just trying to hold it all together 
when it feels like everything is falling apart.
Keep shining down on us my boogie.
We love and miss you so much.

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