Sunday, September 25, 2016

Long Road Ahead

It is 10:03pm

Today was a nice day. We brought the kids back to The Chatachoochee River and they played for a good while, and then we ate dinner with family.

My stomach has been bothering me again, but lately it has been car sickness, which is really strange because I don't usually have that problem.

We are probably are going to leave tomorrow evening for Louisiana, and we were even going to be in town for the Natchitoches Parish fair, but after looking at how much it would cost for all of that we have decided its probably best to skip it this year because we are really limited on funds right now lol.

But the kids have really been spoiled this week, so it will be alright...I just love the fair and all its cheesiness.

Hopefully Tuesday we can get all our paperwork started and find out about the MMA dojo in town and then for the next couple of weeks we will have to sit and wait to see what happens next.

Anyways, keep us in your positive thoughts and prayers, we have a long road ahead of us.

Thank you for all your continued support.

As always, pray for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me. And always always, pray for my sweet Elijah.

Good night.

Hi sweet man.
You have been so sweet in making your little appearances.
Thank you for letting us know you are here.
It gets hard seeing all the little toddlers and wondering what you would be like right now.
I know I would be going crazy chasing you and your brothers everywhere,
but I would much rather that type of crazy than the craziness I feel when missing you.
I love you so much.
Goodnight sweet boy.

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