Saturday, September 24, 2016


It is 10:25pm

Today was another beautiful day in Georgia.

We are truly lucky to have such wonderful family who have spoiled our kids (and us) these last few days.

Today I got up early and went to a little fall festival with Levi's aunt and then came back and took a nap and then later this evening we went to a corn maze at a little farm and did things like race rubber duckies, shoot apple cannons, and take a little tracker trailer ride where we saw some sunflowers <3

It has been really great, but tomorrow  we are going to have to wash clothes, get an oil change and start getting ready to head back to Louisiana.

On the way back from the farm tonight I found that someone had commented on one of Elijah's photos on Instagram and it said, "ugly little thing."

Okay, first off, nothing in the world will ever make believe any of my children are anything than beautiful...nothing.

I have been blessed with four beautiful boys and I am super proud of each of them.

So I blocked whoever this was...and was done with it.

Don't worry....I haven't lost hope in humanity over it.

Someone out there is just miserable  and decided to take it out on me for whatever reason. (And are obviously a little confused over what the word "ugly" means.)

But Elijah and his family will continue to prove just how beautiful he is by spreading kindness everyday and making a difference.

And for those of you who want to chime in with your beliefs on how opening yourself up on social media is just asking for it...please explain to me how talking about my life and trying to help other people warrants any reason for someone to be a jerk.  Me sharing my life does not give someone an excuse to be mean. I am not the one in the wrong here. (sorry....wooossssahhhh)

Anyways, just keep praying. Pray for our world. Pray for our family. Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet (and beautiful) Elijah.

Hi my beautiful boy.
Hi my little jokester.
Today we saw sunflowers <3
We missed you so much and wished you were there with your brothers to have fun.
We love you so very much
and are so very proud of you always.

1 comment:

  1. Elijah is so cute, with those beautiful eyes! Ignore that rude person. Your kids are beautiful and so are you!


1,520 days: Overwhelm.

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