Friday, September 23, 2016

Karaoke at Roadkill Cafe

It is 9:33pm.

Today was another good escape day.

We went spelunking (cave exploring)...well sort of...and got to pan for gold and other gems.

We went for a short hike and saw a waterfall.

And then I even did a song for karaoke at the Roadkill Cafe at dinner (not even making this up).

I will post photos to Facebook at the end of our trip, and maybe some to the blog incase you don't follow me on Facebook. I am just too tired to do it right now.

On the way back Levi and I talked about his mma training and fitness goals,  and how we can keep them up while we are in the middle of transitioning, and it might be more of a challenge than I thought it would be.  I guess we are just going to have to be creative.

I need to really work on my Christmas books and get them done soon too....

Anyways, today was a good day. But it would have been much better if Elijah was here with us. We are always missing him. <3

Hi my little sunflower.
Hi my sweet boy.
Hi my Elijah.
Dad tried to carve your name with a rock into the wood at the waterfall, 
and all he could get out was "Eli" because the wood was so warped and the rock wasn't very sharp.
I can't believe I forgot the marker at the Caves/gold panning place...
But we did leave a rock for you yesterday at The Chatachoochee River 
and they had markers at The Roadkill Cafe so we left your name there too lol.
We write your name everywhere sweet boy, 
because wherever we are, you are in spirit. 
And we know that you are helping us change the world.
I love and miss you always.

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