This morning the boys and I listened to Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream" speech as they colored a picture of him. They went on to write down their dreams and do a little worksheet that talked about King's life.
It was a little bit of time dedicated to such a great man.
A man who changed the world through love and peace. A man who stood up for what he believed was right--and you know what? He was totally right! Like I can't even put into words how amazing he was.
There are SOOO many things my kids come learn from this remarkable man, but the things I want to drill into their little hard heads is that one person can make a difference, and that difference can be made peacefully. Also that EVERYONE is created beautiful and has the right to be treated fairly and hold equal rights.
Oh and this:
Today was a good day you guys! I hope you had an even better day than I had.
The kids learned about a great man, I started my It Works Cleanse and went to Zumba, I got a new Loyal Customer and I won a prize!!!
Tomorrow will be library day for the kids and then I will be cleaning house for a sweet lady to make a few extra dollars for the family. And then there is more Zumba and Levi will be helping coach some more classes. So it sounds like there is a lot of potential in tomorrow being a great day too!
My tidbit of advice today? Take care of yourself. Invest in yourself. This is not a sales pitch. This is me just looking out for you.
You are loved. You are amazing. You deserve happiness. Even if you have walked through HELL like I have. You can still do awesome things.
Find your inspiration. Mine is Elijah and my family. What is yours?
Tomorrow I want you to do one thing you have ALWAYS wanted to do. It doesn't have to be anything big or crazy (even though we ALL know I am a HUGE fan of big and crazy).
Maybe you eat ice cream for breakfast! Maybe you start reading a new book you always wanted to read! Maybe you book a trip to somewhere you have always wanted to go. Maybe you start eating healthier and start walking. Maybe you do an awesome act of kindness. Whatever you decide, do it and enjoy it!!!
Alright guys, I need to get some sleep. Sending you all sweet dreams and lots of love.
Please keep praying for our world. Pray for my family. Pray for me. Pray for you! And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Oh my goodness. This picture just takes my breath away and makes me miss you so much.
You were the perfect baby.
I don't even think the word perfection covers it.
I miss you more than you could ever imagine
and I try so hard every day to make you proud.
I will do great things for you.
I promise.
I love you Elijah.
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