Monday, May 29, 2017

626: Elijah's Birthday is One Week Away

It is 8:53pm.

Alex and I are currently sitting in McDonald's freezing our butts off while Julien and Gabriel are hopefully enjoying vacation Bible school.

We are not eating anything because the transfer I put through Friday has not hit my card yet because of the holiday and I currently have .23 to my name. (Well actually there is more... I just have no access to it)./

OH! And I didn't get to blog or post anything about Elijah last night because of a storm that knocked a tree onto a power line down the road from me. :( :( :(

It was the first day since he has passed that I have not blogged, and it was not freeing or healing at all. It was crushing and pretty crappy.

I know I am being a spoiled little brat complaining right now, but I am frustrated.

(And Yes, I know there are people who had their houses torn up and I should just be thankful we are okay.)

So I am blogging now, today, while I can... just trying to hold it all together.

I have to find someway to stay positive and figure out something to do with the kids today. The dirt road we had to drive down to get out from our bus was awful and scary to drive down, so I don't know when we will actually going to be able to go back home. And who knows when the electricity will be restored.


(breathe Kelly breathe)

I will figure something out and turn this day around. Maybe they will have the tree cleared by noon and we can just clean the bus and play Lego today and nap.

I guess it is time to turn this madness into a mad adventure.

At least I am getting to post my sweet boy's picture today.

Please remember Elijah's birthday is one week from today!!!! And please remember to do an act of kindness in his memory and share it with me and Levi (and the world) by sharing it to social media with the hashtag #loveelijah.

P.S. It is not bragging to share an act of kindness done in his memory, it is helping us tell his story and that brings us great comfort.

And please remember to pray for our world. Pray for our country. Pray for my family. Pray for me. Pray for you! And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you.

Oh my sweet sweet boy.
I am so mad with this thuderstorm right now.
I know that you know I would have given anything to post your photo
and to blog....
The thunderstorm didn't care,
but I always care.
I love and miss you so so much.

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