Sunday, June 11, 2017

639: South Paw

It is 10:36pm

Today was a good day. In fact, I would go as far to say as it was a great day.

I got to spend the day with Levi and he took the kids and I out to eat at my favorite Mexican restaurant.

Levi and I even got to sit down and watch a movie together while the kids all hung out playing on the computer.

Granted, it was a pretty gut wrenching movie, but it was the time with Levi that was much needed.

(P.S. The movie was called South Paw. The movie is about a boxer whose wife gets shot and dies and the aftermath that follows...and while it was really hard to watch and is pretty depressing all the way through, I think it did an excellent job on showing just how bad grief can mess up your life and drive you literally insane at times, and how people who are supposed to be your support system can just leave at the drop of a hat because shit gets hard...I don't know. I can't say I enjoyed the movie, but I did appreciate its honest portrayal of grief. )

Anyways, this living apart thing is getting harder and harder. I really miss my husband and the kids really miss their dad being a part of their everyday life.

Levi needs to stay where he is because his gym is there and he has a "job" that works around his schedule and pays better than what I am making right now.

There are some other reasons that Shreveport would be a good place for us right now, but I will go into that later.

I say Shreveport would be a good place for us "right now," because I honestly don't know where our end goal is. That is kind of the allure of living in a bus. It can move where we move lol.

AND I would love to move the bus up there!!!

In fact, I met a girl who works at the Maurices in Shreveport that lives in an RV and she told me about the RV park she was staying in that she says is really nice and by a lake. And she says it is quiet.

She was really cool too! Like I hope if we move up there maybe we could be friends. She told me about how she went on a mission trip overseas and came back and decided to live more simple and so she moved into an RV and has been living in it for over a year now and loves it.

So what is stopping us??? Well, the bus is pretty much stuck right now. Like literally.

One of the tires came off the rim, and I need to get a second battery for it...

Not to mention I have to get the inside finished and get tags for it to move.

Which means we need to make a plan.

And we need to believe it is going to happen.

So tonight. I will go to bed believing that we will be together soon.

But in the mean time, I will also be thankful for where we are right now because we are blessed that my dad is helping us out and allowing us to "park" for free in his back yard. lol.

Keep checking back with the blog this week because I willl have some more information for you guys about living consciously in the next few blogs.

And I also plan to talk about another really great exercise tomorrow.

Right now, I am tired and I need rest. Also, I have two houses to clean tomorrow.

Sending you all mad love.

Love yourself. You deserve it!!!!

Have a great night and be thankful.

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for our country. Pray for my family. Pray for me. Pray for you! And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you.

Keep shining your love down my boogie.
I am changing the world for you.
I love and miss you so much.

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