Saturday, June 10, 2017

638: The Practice of Living Consciously

It is 8:00pm.

ALRIGHT. Let's talk about some pillars of self esteem. Shall we?

If you haven't been reading along, the other day I started a new book called The Six Pillars of Self Esteem.

You can find a free audiobook version of it on youtube:

I did find out today that they do not have the physical book at my local library...but they might have it at yours.

Anyways, the book is really interesting and it brings up a lot of interesting points about the importance of self esteem in our lives and in our society.

The six pillars are:
1. The Practice of Living Consciously
2. The Practice of Self Acceptance
3. The Practice of Self Responsibility
4. The Practice of Self Assertiveness
5. The Practice of Living Purposefully
6. The Practice of Personal Integrity.

Today we are going to start talking about the first pillar: Living Consciously.

The way you respond to life and the choices you make have a direct impact on the quality of life you have.

Living Consciously is something that takes time and focus. It is really the process of reprograming the brain.

In every therapy session I have ever set through, the whole process was geared towards guiding the brain to better beliefs.

Just like with anything else in life, it takes practice and consistency to be successful.

There is a really cool practice that Nathaniel Brandon does that helps you with living more consciously and I want to share it with you guys. It is called Sentence Completion.

I am just going to attach the link for this one, because it is kind of lengthy and I feel like he explains it perfectly. Also, all of the stem sentences are all listed on this page:

Sentence Completion Exercise

Tomorrow I am going to start this exercise and I will share my journey with you guys when it is time to reflect.

I will also expand a little bit more about living consciously in each blog, because it is extremely important in raising your self esteem and living a more happy and healthy life.

Remember in order to change the world, we must first change ourselves.

Alright ladies and has been one big ball of stress and I am going to go listen to something positive and send lots of love out into the universe. I love you all.

Please send some extra love to my sweet niece Emily. She is kind of amazing and is in need of some extra love today. Thank you thank you. <3

And please keep praying for our world. Pray of our country. Pray for my family. Pray for me. Pray for you! And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you!

Sweet sweet boy.
The love we have is like no other
and I am so blessed to be your mom.
I love and miss you like crazy.

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