Wednesday, June 21, 2017

649: If I Had A Million Dollars

It is 8:57pm.

I have been in bed for more than 3/4 the day...

The medicine I am makes me feel better, but it also puts me to sleep. Which I guess is a good thing, because my body probably needs the rest.

I started a new pain killer today and it has seemed to help. I feel slightly better than I did yesterday. I am still getting weird pains that go into my arms, but I am able to rotate my neck a little bit more than I could before without causing pain.

Anyways, for some reason this afternoon, I woke up in a pretty positive mood. (maybe it is because I am so doped up lol)

I decided to channel that positivity into making a dream board, because it had been a while since I made my last one and some things needed updating.

So here is my current dream board:

Do any of you make dream boards? (Sometimes they are called vision boards).

It is just a nice way to keep yourself mentally (and/or spiritually) aligned with your goals.

Anyways, since I spent most of my day sleeping, I don't have much to talk about lol.

Thank you for your kind words and all the love you have sent me. I really appreciate your support.

Love you all!

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for our country. Pray for my family. Pray for me. Pray for you! And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you.

Oh my sweet boy.
Thank you for sending some love down.
I miss you so so so much.
I love you more.


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