Sunday, July 2, 2017

659: Tingling

It is 7:29pm.

I am slightly doped up right now, so I am going to attempt to blog on my computer.

If you have been following along, you might know that about 2 weeks ago I fell and hurt my neck/shoulders.

Well now my arm is throbbing and tingling, most nights to the point that I cannot even type without pain.

Last night was probably the worst night.

This morning I went to the walk in clinic in Shreveport (where Levi is staying) and the doctor did this little "experiment" where he pressed down on my head and asked me if I felt any pain or tingling. I didn't at first, but as we started talking again I felt a tingle start in my arm and in my back as well.

So the doctor said there is a good chance it could be a pinched nerve.

While that sounds like it is really not a big deal, kind of silly, and not like it would cause a lot of pain, it has caused me a tremendous amount of pain--and it is really putting me into a pretty dark place.

I guess it doesn't help that we just came back from a fabulous vacation where I got to see my husband everyday for almost a whole week, and now we are back to living an hour away--and I have some serious "my vacation is over" blues.

AND I am really worried about "work." I am worried that if I don't work this week I will end up losing clients because it has already been 2 weeks since I have cleaned. OR I am worried if I DO work, I will end up pushing my body too hard and hurt myself further.

Add all of this to lingering grief, anxiety, and possible depression...It is kind of hard to be a happy camper right now.

But I am trying. I really am. Feel free to send me some love and prayers to help.

I'm really tired. And my arm is starting to tingle again. It is probably time to go take my last set of meds and call it a night.

Love you all. Thank you for reading.

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for our country. Pray for my family. Pray for me. Pray for you! And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you Thank you Thank you.

Gosh on these days, I would love to have your cuddles.
I would love to have us all together.
I would love to just see you and hold you again.
I don't know Elijah.
Today has been hard.
Please send love.
I love you so much boogie.
Missing you always.

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