Friday, July 7, 2017

664: Situations

It is 1:02am.

Today (well I guess yesterday now) has been a long day.

But I am still here and I am still thankful.

My car on the other it is not doing to well. It broke down and is sitting at the repair shop waiting for Monday to arrive.

This also means that our family is missing out on Camp Cullin this weekend.

And as disappointed as I am with the above situations, I am actually very impressed with myself and how well I am handling everything.

Maybe all this conscious thinking and daily motivation is paying off!

Now if I can just figure out how to let the universe know I am ready to win the powerball lol.

Okay, it is way past time for me to go to sleep.

Please send lots of love to my car (or for a "new" car to come my way). A lot is at stake if we do not have a second car to drive--seeing as Levi and I are still living an hour away from each other.

Thank you always for your support. Love you all!

And don't forget to pray for our world. Pray for our country. Pray for my family. Pray for me. Pray for you! And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you!

Well it has been one crazy day sweet boy.
But I feel like your love has really settled into my heart and brought me some peace.
You are my greatest motivation.
This is just a tiny hurdle compared to all that we have been through.
I won't let it get me down
because I need to keep my chin up if I am going to change the world for you...
which P.S. I totally am.
I love and miss you so much.

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