Wednesday, July 26, 2017

683: sauna

It is 10:03pm.

Tomorrow morning Levi is going to go sit in a sauna for hours to cut the last bit of weight before his weigh-in tomorrow night.  And then Friday night is the next fight!

Send love. I know he is going to do amazing, but tomorrow is going to be more brutal than the fight. I can't even sit in a sauna for 10 minutes, and is highly possible that he could spend multiple hours in there.

Alright, the kids broke another one of my computer charge chords and I really don't like blogging on my phone. So for the next couple of days my blogs will probably be prettt short.

Love you all!!! Go change the world.

And please keep praying for our world. Pray for our country. Pray for our families. Pray for me. Pray for you! And always always pray for my sweet sweet Elijah.

Thank you.

Sometimes I stop myself and I wonder if I am not missing you enough.
Weird right?
Everyone wants people to shake all the sadness and just keep going--
But the sadness connects me and you,
And it is part of our story.
And love is part of our story as well as joy.
If I were to say that I am no longer sad that you are missing from my life 
I would be lying.
I haven't been as vocal about it I suppose
But the struggle is still there.
I really do miss you
And I always will.
Love you more 

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