Tuesday, August 15, 2017

703: Good Morning Donut Sticks and Dr. Pepper

It is 5:51am.

I've been awake since 5:00. I would normally be walking about now, but Alex is spending the week with Granny and I don't feel comfortable leaving my little ones alone while I am on a walk, so I did some morning stretches and my morning prayer routine, and then I shoved my face with a rather unhealthy breakfast of donut sticks and Dr. Pepper....And it was delicious. I will figure out a way to burn all those wonderful calories off in a little while, but today's real focus is preleasing my book. In a prerelease you have 90 days to "presale" your book. I am going to use those 90 days to promote promote promote! Now to just figure out how lol.

I found a great article with tips on how to promote on a budget, but it still involves a little bit of travel, which we all know I wouldn't mind lol. So now, I just have to make a schedule, pray for money and jump right on in!

Today's goal is to create a website, and create a book cover. I am really excited about this! Send lots of love.

This morning I decided to play positive affirmations for the kids after a friend of mine suggested this instead of calming music in the mornings. I start playing these before the kids wake up in the hopes that it will help them wake up calmed and happy in the morning. It is very calming for me too lol.

Anyways, it is time to get the show on the road--especially since these two little ones are still sleeping.

Thank you so much for reading my blog. I hope you have an amazing day and follow your dreams. You can do it. You are worth it.

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for our country. Pray for our families. Pray for me. Pray for you! And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you Thank you Thank you!

Last night I asked to dream about you.
I should have asked to remember the dream too,
because I can't remember anything.
I know you show yourself all the time.
I know you are near.
But I still miss you, and miss holding you just like this.
I love and miss you so much Elijah.

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