Friday, August 18, 2017

706: Caffeine Please

It is 5:15 am

I am doing better than I did yesterday about waking up, but I don't have a Dr. Pepper to drink (or anything for that matter...I forgot to pick up drinks yesterday--ya know, when I stopped at the store to get drinks. lol. Go figure.

Today we are headed to Granny's to visit and pick up Alex, then off to Georgia to visit with more family and then go see the eclipse.

Yesterday morning I created a new character in my Eli The Crawfish Children's book series. Oh and I am so excited about him...he's so cute!!!

I made a youtube reveal! Here it is if you didn't see it yesterday:

I will be making another character reveal video when we get back from Georgia.  I am really excited about this new book. It is going to be adorable!

In the meantime, we will be making daily vlogs about our lives and the projects we are working on.  I am hoping it helps with book sales. Not only that, but Julien loves the fact that we are on YouTube lol. And one of his main interests right now is to become the next Coyote Peterson, so we are going to start working on him making weekly videos about animals, exploring, and adventures.

And while we are on the subject of YouTube, WE NEED SUBSCRIBERS!!! My goal is to reach 100 subscribers by the end of this weekend.  It is sooo easy to subscribe you guys, it costs nothing, and it helps my family tremendously!!! All you have to do it open the video above in YouTube, and then click on the little red button that says "subscribe." 

When we hit 100 subscribers, then we can customize our YouTube URL, which will make it SOOO much easier to market. It is kind of a big deal. I would love to put my YouTube URL on my books, business cards, etc. Thank you so much for your help. Right now we have 44 subscribers!!!! We can totally do this. 

And while your at it, share that video up there with your friends and family ;) 

Okay. OKay... I will stop.  (for now mwahahahaha)

It is time for me to get to this "to do" list before the "little ones" wake up anyways.

Hope you all have an amazing day! Live your dreams!!!!! Use too many exclamation points!!!!!!You are worth it.  Love you all <3

And please keep praying for our world. Pray for our country. Pray for our families. Pray for me. Pray for you! And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you,
Kelly Airhart

Your first and only trip to Disney World.
I thought for sure, since I worked there,
we would have numerous trips and you would love growing up there.
Now we are so far from Disney World, and we don't have you.
My counselor said it best when we were talking about parenting.
She told me my kids not only lost their brother, but they lost me too.
It is easy to look at your brother's behavior lately and say, 
"Oh they are bad and disrespectful."
But they are honestly doing the best they can with all of this too.
I hear how they miss you daily.
I hear how they miss Disney daily.
I hear how they miss the beach.
They miss Florida.
They miss their lives before.
They have been through so much,
I am trying to turn things around for them.
I have counseling applications.
When my book money starts coming in I am getting Mind Up, 
which is a children's program on behavior and how the brain works.
I am loving them and being the best parent I can be with the situations we have been in.
But the truth is, when we lost you, we all lost a piece of ourselves.
I don't expect anyone to understand it.
I would hope they never have to deal with this pain.
But even almost 2 years later,
we are struggling.
It may be a beautiful struggle,
but here we are.
And none of this is your fault Elijah--
I guess it just some kind of sucky mystery that life gave us.
We are making the best out of what we have.
I love you my boogie.

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