Saturday, August 19, 2017

707: Fifty Two

It is 10:19pm.

The boys and I are in Georgia. We came up to visit family and hopefully get a better view of the eclipse Monday. It was a long drive, but I am happy and thankful to be here. But I am very tired. My arm is super tingly too.

I think it is time to go to sleep.

If you haven't subscribed to our youtube channel, please do. We are trying to get 100 subscribers by Tomorrow night and we have 52 right now.

It is very simple, all you do is:

1. click on this link

2. Find the red button that looks like this

3. Click the button, and sign into your google account if you aren't already signed in.
4. Pat your self on the back for being amazing.

I KNOW we can make it to 100 by tomorrow night. I have at least 100 readers to my blog every night. That means, even if 52 of you are subscribers already, 48 of you could still help us out! lol.

The kids are really excited about this, and even my dad said he wanted to see my hair pink--and if you knew my dad, this would surprise you too lol.

Anyways, thanks for any and all support you have shown my family in any kind of way. We are all very thankful.

Sending you all love! It is time for me to get some sleep.  Live your dreams, and love your life. You are amazing.

I thought about you today,
where we would fit you in the car.
What would you look like?
Would be doing all this if you were here?
I miss you so much Elijah.
I love you.

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