Thursday, August 17, 2017

705: Different is Wonderful

It is 5:53am.

I am struggling to wake up this morning, and even considering just going back to sleep. In this past hour all I have managed is to send a link to someone, take a shower, and eat some toaster waffles.

I have things to do. I have so much to do lol. I am just tired. So tired.

Last night I started on my next Eli The Crawfish book. I had to make a new Eli, because I have no idea where the other one went. But it is fine. This one will look like the other characters I am creating for this book.

Yesterday I also went to counseling. I have a new counselor and she is great. At least I think she is, I rambled on almost the whole hour lol. I couldn't help it, I try not to talk about my problems too much with other people unless I just can't hold it anymore. And even then I feel terribly guilty, because I know that it can be tiresome listening to someone complain. My counselor even mentioned that I have a lot going on, lol. But she said it was good I talk. I will be meeting with her more frequently which will be really great. She also handles children and told me to pick up some applications for Julien and Gabriel!

Wow. So much happened yesterday lol.  Yesterday afternoon I sent off a draft of my new book to four women I know so that they can give me constructive criticism and hopefully some love lol. I am looking forward to what they have to say. Even if it is that the book sucks, because I don't want to send a sucky book out into the world. It is a self help book after all, I need to know if it is something they think will actually help them!

I also got a defuser in the mail, and I am loving it. The kids think it is really cool. Lol. Julien came and stuck his hand in the mist and said he was going to rub some behind his ears so he could smell good. I have chamomile in there right now, and my hope is that it makes the bus a more calming place for the kids. We have rearranged a bit in here so it seems more "homey," but I think I still need another shelf to clear up a little more clutter in here. I would also like kids table for Julien and Gabriel to be able to sit at and do arts and crafts and "school work."

Speaking of school, no we haven't started yet. We are going to Georgia to see the eclipse and then when we come back we are going to find our starting date. I am going to bring in some more book sales, so that I can order some new books for the school year. It is going to be a great year for learning.

P.S. If someone tells you they homeschool their children, don't turn to their children and ask such negative questions. It is really rude, and honestly if you have no place in my child's education then I don't want your opinion.  I had a lady at Walgreens the other day ask my kids why they weren't in school. I told her they were homeschooled, to which she replied, "Oh so you guys don't ever get to leave the house huh?" I quickly stepped back in with a positive answer, telling her that we travel a lot and my kids are loving it, and then I thanked her. But she was not the first, and I know she won't be the last. Just because my family does things differently than most, does not mean it is a bad thing. It just means it is different. And different is wonderful.

Alright, I am slowly drinking my Dr. Pepper (last one for a while), and waking up. Now I need to work on my new characters for my Eli The Crawfish Book. Send me love!!!

Hope you guys have an AMAZING day!!! I love you all so much. You are wonderful. Believe it.

Hi my boogie.
Oh how I miss you so much.
I am glad to get to make another Eli The Crawfish book and 
put your name in so many hands.
I love you more.

Check out our latest YouTube Video!

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