Friday, September 29, 2017

750: Oh September..I Don't Know What to Do With You.

It is 8:17pm.

Tomorrow is the last day of September, and thank God it is a celebration of life! Tomorrow is Levi's birthday.

This has been a hard month full of memories of loss. But it has also been a month full of memories of love. It is a crazy bitter sweet month.

We miss everyone we have lost in a September. Elijah, Levi's (and my) Uncle James, my grandmother and my grandfather...

Oh September...I don't know what to do with you.

Today I went to see my primary care doctor--and I learned nothing new on my neck/arm/shoulder situation. But I did learn that I have gained 9 pounds since June. Ugh.

A lot of this weight gain stems from my fall, the medicine I am taking, the pain I am in, and the time I am at the doctor's offices all week long. I am really going to have to make a more conscious effort to make time for exercise and watch what I eat. Oh the joys of getting older lol.

Actually, I don't mind getting older. It hasn't been that bad. I feel more at peace with myself. I am more bold. More daring. More confident. And I am getting better at living my own life and not worrying so much about what others think. There are some good things that come with being in your 30's I guess.

I am just ready to physically heal.

I did manage to get 2 walks in today, so that is good. I will give myself credit there :)

Right now I am working on moving some books over from one publisher to another. Sadly, it looks like it is going to be harder than I thought.  I wouldn't even be bothering with it, but my original publisher screwed up an order and was really rude about it, even though it wasn't my fault at all. Also, the other publisher has better print quality.

ANYWAYS, I will figure it all out somehow. Right now, I am just going to enjoy the things I do have control over.

Sending you guys all sorts of love. Live your dreams. Love your life.

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for our country. Pray for our hearts. Pray for our minds. Pray for our souls. Pray for me. Pray for you! And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you

Oh sweet boy.
How I miss you.
I just hope I am making you proud some how.
I love you I love you I love you.
And then I love you so more.

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