Thursday, September 28, 2017

749: I Wanted You

It is 8:47pm.

I just got back from picking Alex up from BoyScouts. We just found out he has a fall camp coming up, which will be his first time away at camp. I'm so glad he is getting to experience this, and there is a blacksmith and a welding class--so we are crossing our fingers and saying our prayers that he gets into one or both of those classes. Either way, I know he will have a blast.

As for me, I am exhausted. I don't know why. I guess I am still readjusting to being back on the muscle relaxers.

I started slowly easing back into my novel today. I feel like there is so much I want to add to it, and so much I want to learn. Like I feel like I want to have a more well rounded knowledge about world religions so I can make the "heavens" in the story multidimensional. But it is also completely fictional, so I could really make it whatever I want too...I just want it to be detailed and interesting.

But the longer I wait to get the book done, the longer it will take to get done...
(deep stuff there--I know. lol)

Alright, I have some wild children to calm down and get to bed.

I realize I haven't been the most motivational blogger lately, sometimes life is what it is.

Sending you all lots of love. You are amazing. Don't forget to love yourself. You are worth it.

I hope that you know that when I had you here with me,
that I really was just trying to be the best mom to all of you.
Sometimes I think I distanced myself from you
because I was so scared that your brothers would feel left out.
I worry about the weirdest things sometimes.
But I was trying to find ways to spend more time with you.
I was trying to go part time at work.
I wanted to stay home...
I wanted you.
I just hope you know that.
I love and miss you so much.

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