Saturday, September 9, 2017

728: Just Send Love...

It is 10:34pm.

I don't want tomorrow to come. I don't...

I don't even know what we are going to do. I don't know how to feel. I don't know anything--other than I don't want to have to go through this every year. I don't want to go through this stupid day with all that it stole from us. Can we just skip it?

That's it...that is all I got for you tonight. Sorry I know it isn't very motivational or poetic or anything...

Just Send love. Send it to me. Send it to my family. Send it to Elijah. Send it wherever else you might think it is needed. Just send it.

Thank you.

2 years ago I held you.
2 years ago you were still here and everything was still okay.
2 years ago, this was the last full day you lived.
Ugh it is like a kick to my stomach.
I love and miss you so much.
Like I am lost for words because of how much I miss you.
I love you I love you I love you

1 comment:

1,520 days: Overwhelm.

It is 8:49am. Everyone is still asleep... I have my "happy light" shining into my  peripheral  vision, and my vitamins and medic...