Sunday, September 10, 2017

731: Two Years

It is 8:53pm.

I just realized I miscounted my days somewhere... I will figure it out some other day.

I am trying to go to bed in seven minutes...wish me luck.

Today was the two year anniversary of Elijah's passing. The 9 days leading up to this day were pretty much hell--but luckily I had a long talk with a good friend last night who put me in a good place so that today was much better than I expected.

Today I basically said f*ck death and celebrated the 98 days Elijah lived.

We had donuts for breakfast (because Elijah was born on national donut day.) We went for a hike on one of our favorite trails. We made a little tree of hearts, let sunflowers go in the water, and planted some sunflower seeds. We also came home, wrote some messages on balloons and released them in the yard with my dad.

It was a beautiful and peaceful day. I hope it brought a smile to Elijah's face.

I miss him so much.

Please continue to pray for all my friends and all those in the path of hurricane Irma. Pray for our world. Pray for our country. Pray for our families. Pray for me. Pray for you! And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you

How in the world have we made it two years from the day I felt myself die with you.
I would give anything to have you back,
but am always your mom and always so proud of you.
I could write a million words,
but they would never be enough.
I love and miss you so much.


  1. You are an unbelievably amazing person!!! I'm so glad you had a good day!!

  2. Love and hugs to you and your family.


1,520 days: Overwhelm.

It is 8:49am. Everyone is still asleep... I have my "happy light" shining into my  peripheral  vision, and my vitamins and medic...