Monday, September 11, 2017

732: Happy Birthday Eleanor

It is 8:57am.

I have been up since 5:00am trying to figure out what was wrong with the interior files to my newest Eli The Crawfish book, fixing them and then trying over and over to resubmit them, only find out that I had to go back and readjust something else and do it all over again. But all is good now, because I have it all together and have resubmitted-- I just have to wait 24 hours to find out if they think it is all good. lol.

I really wanted to publish it yesterday on Elijah's anniversary of going to Heaven. Even though that didn't happen, I am still able to choose September 10th as the publishing date, so I do feel a great sense of relief from that.

Short blog this morning--the kids are waking up and need breakfast.

Thank you to all of you who sent us prayers and love yesterday. We are extremely thankful that you remembered us and our sweet Elijah. It was a beautiful day.

Sending you all sooo much love. Especially to my Florida friends. There was also great relief in waking up and seeing that so many of you are safe. I love you guys soo much.

Have a beautiful day. Go out there and change the world. And love yourself, because you deserve it.

Also please say a prayer for my friend Natalie as she is celebrating the birthday of her daughter Eleanor, and also bravely facing the second anniversary of Eleanor's passing all in one day. If you can, please do an act of kindness today in Eleanor's memory. Natalie has some big plans to celebrate Eleanor, but because of the hurricane she will have to wait for tomorrow, and I know that must be hard.

Sending you so much love Natalie! Happy birthday Eleanor.

Sending you love Elijah.
All my love.

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