Friday, September 22, 2017

743: Coyote Peterson

It is 11:24pm.

I have had less than 2 hours of sleep in the last 24 hours. I am so tired lol. But I managed to get Julien to the show he bought tickets for with his birthday money, and he got to meet his hero Coyote Peterson. It was so cute how excited he was, and the show was so much fun...

The theater on the other hand, was terribly organized and made me one mad momma...but I will get to that later. Right now I am just happy that Julien got to meet his hero and was so happy when we left to come back to the hotel.

Tomorrow I think we are just going to keep it simple. I am going to bring the little ones to Ikea while Alex and Levi play in a Magic tournament. Then we will see if anyone wants to join us for a swim at the hotel.

Right now, I am going to bed lol. I don't know if anything I just typed makes any sense and I am falling asleep sitting up.

Good night all. Live your dreams.

Please keep praying for all those affected by natural disasters.

Thank you

Oh sweet boy.
Thank you for the heart today.
I passed by the place I last held you today.
I just miss you so much.
I love you more.

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