Sunday, October 1, 2017

752: A Day Late

It is 10:00am on the dot.

Today is October 1st, which is the first day of Pregnancy and Infant Loss awareness.  I plan to celebrate the lives of all the babies in Heaven this month and spread awareness. I also had planned to do a photo project that was supposed to start today with a sunrise dedication...but I woke up around 7 and the sun was brightly shining--I had missed it lol. HOWEVER, I am really proud of myself for keeping it together and just taking a deep breath to say, "it is okay, I will start tomorrow." That is huge for me as this is a very special month and a very dear cause to my heart.

But like I said earlier, I do plan to celebrate the lives of all the babies in heaven this month and continue to spread awareness, so this morning I am dying the ends of my hair pink and blue. It is only temporary dye, and I really didn't think this through too much, so it will probably be pink and purple lol, but it is fun and it makes me happy--and I believe that is what Elijah wants for be happy.

I am going to make this a short blog post, but before I do I am going to share some pregnancy and infant loss awareness information with you. I will do this every day in October. This is for Elijah and all his friends in Heaven. This is to teach compassion. This is to bring awareness. This is for me. Thank you for your support.

This is a direct quote from a pamphlet from The Compassionate Friends that addresses Stillbirth, Miscarriage, and Infant Death:

"A baby's death, whenever or however it occurs, is a profound loss. Unfortunately, society in general and friends and relatives in particular often do not acknowledge that this wished-for-child, regardless of gestational age, was a unique individual and an important part of your future. Others may find it difficult to imagine deep grief over a child you as parents may have seen or held briefly, if at all. To the contrary, the fact that your baby was carried in the womb or held in your arms for such a short while, and thus known to so few people, may add to the pain of losing the child and make grief even more isolating."

Sending you all love today. Please take a moment in your busy life to breathe and be thankful for the day you have. You are so lucky to be here today, and I hope today is beautiful for you. I love you all.

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for our country. Pray for our minds. Pray for our hearts. Pray for our families. Pray for me. Pray for you! And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you.

You are my sunrise.
I love you so much.
Missing you today
and always.

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