Monday, October 2, 2017

753: Unexpected

It is 6:53pm.

I am now 2 days behind for the "sunrise blessing" for day one of the 30 day Capture Your Grief photo project.

This morning as I sat down at the table with Alex and my dad to eat breakfast I learned of the terrible tragedy that happened last night in Las Vegas. My heart sank a bit lower in my chest, as I can remember how I felt the morning after the Pulse Shooting in Orlando and how close I was to it. I can only imagine the people of Las Vegas feel the same. As much as I know they are hurting, I also have no doubt they will come together as a city and heal together.

Also, later in the day I learned of Tom Petty's passing--which is another huge loss for the rock world this year. My heart also goes out to his family, friends, and all of his fans.

All of these unexpected tragedies really should teach us to live our lives to the fullest and to be so thankful for everything we have, and the life that we are living right now. Take it from me, you never know what tomorrow can bring. Offer more kindness, and less arguments. Move people with your love, instead of burying them with hatred and anger. We are not moving towards peace if we are not working together.

I love all of you and am so thankful to have you in my life.

I feel so motivated and creative tonight. I really need to be funneling this energy into my novel.

But first, here is some more information on Pregnancy and Infant loss information, continued from The Compassionate Friends brochure on Stillbirth, Miscarriage, and Infant Death.

"Memories, so important for the bereaved, allow a still painful, yet more gradual, good-bye. When a child dies before or shortly after birth, there may be precious few memories and little physical evidence that he or she ever really existed. Many parents create memories by keeping a baby book or a special box containing hospital records, certificates, sympathy cards, pictures, and clothing or blankets. Your baby was and always will be a part of you. Choosing a name, as well as having a funeral or memorial service, can help affirm your baby's life, however brief, and your love for your baby as parents."

Alright, I just found out our shower is not working--so time to figure out some creative way to clean the boys up for bed. lol.

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for our country. Pray for Las Vegas. Pray for our families. Pray for our hearts. Pray for our minds. Pray for our souls. Pray for me. Pray for you! And always always pray for our sweet Elijah.

Thank you

I will watch the sunrise for you tomorrow.
I should have done it yesterday.
But you are always my sunrise,
each and every day.
I love and miss you.

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