Tuesday, October 10, 2017

761: The Empty Chair

It is 10:41pm.

Good God we can squeeze a lot into one day.

Please forgive me if you saw me or spoke to me in the first part of today as I had forgotten to take my medicine, had no caffeine and was just completely out of it...lol.

I'm keeping the blog short tonight, because I have another long "to do" list tomorrow. However, I want to ask you to consider this; At the end of tomorrow (or today) when you have finished all of your "to do" list items, make an "I have accomplished and give myself credit for" list. You deserve some credit and self love. You are an amazing human being.


Alright, before I sign off and have a much deserved journey off to dreamland, I am going to continue to give you all some more information on Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month from The Compassionate Friends brochure on Stillbirth, Miscarriage, and Infant Death.

"Subsequent Pregnancy:

The decision of whether to have another baby belongs to you and your partner. There is no "appropriate" waiting period.

No matter what decision you make regarding a subsequent pregnancy or adoption, it will not change the length of your grief for your baby who has died. When planning another pregnancy, be aware that aside from physical stress, subsequent pregnancies can often be difficult emotionally."

GOOD NIGHT everyone. Sweet dreams. I love you all.

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for Earth. Pray for our hearts. Pray for our minds. Pray for our bodies. Pray for our souls. Pray for you. Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet sweet Elijah.

Thank you.

Oh oh oh.
How I miss you.
Today we were eating at a buffet for lunch,
basically because we didn't have time to come home.
We were seated at a table that had six chairs 
and Julien asked "why are there six chairs if there are only five of us?"
I just kind of let it go, hoping he would just find a distraction--which he did.
Levi brought him to go get a desert and when he left Gabriel said, 
"I know who the chair is for, it is for Elijah!"
I gave him a big hug and thanked him for thinking of you.
I remember the first time eating out on a trip to Louisiana from Florida
when I too noticed that empty chair.
It hurt me so bad that I went to the bathroom and threw up.
The pain is still there, but now I am able to be thankful that 
you are still a part of our family and everything we do.
But that doesn't mean I miss you any less.
I love you I love you I love you Elijah.

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