Sunday, October 15, 2017

766: Grounding

It is 11:38pm

I am currently blogging from my phone because our internet has been on and off all night.

I am also currently laying out in the middle of the yard listening to crickets and trying to “ground” myself with the I doubt this whole cell phone thing is helping with that lol but I needed to blog, and it is almost midnight.

What is grounding? I’ll get to that later....

Today was wave of light in remembrance of all babies who went to heaven too soon.

Thank you for all of you who lit candles. I am so honored that anyone would take the time to remember my Elijah in this busy busy world we live in.

Here is the candle I lit for Elijah and all his friends in heaven:

P.S. It is now 12:05am, I have now showered and am no longer "grounded" lol. I ended up laying in an ant bed and it kind of killed on the fun and healing intentions I had. Also, I have a really short meditation span if I am not listening to music or chanting. I need to work on this. 15 minutes isn't terrible I guess...

If you are wondering what all this grounding stuff if, it is because my life coach introduced me to this cool documentary and Levi and I watched 1/2 of it before the internet decided to go off the last time. Here is the youtube video:

So far so good. I hope that it brings some healing my way. Now that I have showered and the internet is back on, I am going to try and finish it with Levi and then get some sleep.

Sending you all my love. Remember to take some time and take care of yourself. Be awesome. Be kind. Be you.

And please keep praying for our world. Pray for our earth. Pray for our families. Pray for each other. Pray for our hearts. Pray for our minds. Pray for our bodies. Pray for peace. Pray for joy. Pray for you. Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet sweet Elijah.

Thank you.

Oh sweet boy. 
This face meant you wanted me to just take you out of that darn wrap and hold you.
You loved to be held close.
I held you close and then would kiss your cheeks.
How my lips miss kissing your cheeks.
I am tearing up just thinking about it.
Those first moments of you and I...
the only moments of you and I.
It is still so unfair.
I love and miss you so much.

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