Monday, October 16, 2017

767: It Is A Beautiful Day

It is 2:26pm.

Funny how quickly your day can turn around when you just get in the car and drive...

Alright, alright...I may have sold some books along that drive too lol.

You can now find Eli The Crawfish at the following locations:

Dickens & Co
French Market Express
Little Eva's Plantation
Ya Ya's Children's Boutique

Coming soon to a few other stores. I will update the list once everything is final :)

And of course, you can find all my books with me at The Farmers' Market every Saturday this fall.

I am so very thankful. Not only for book sales, but for some amazing kindness that took me by surprise today. There are some truly amazing people out there. I am so happy to have some in my life.

It has been a beautiful day.

I am about to continue this beautiful day by doing some "learning" with the kids.

Hope you are all having a peaceful day and enjoying this gorgeous weather. Do something nice for yourself today. You deserve it!

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for our earth. Pray for families. Pray for our children. Pray for peace. Pray for love. Pray for healing. Pray for joy. Pray for our hearts. Pray for our minds. Pray for our bodies. Pray for you. Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you

Oh sweet boy.
It is so bizarre...
honoring your life now by living it to the fullest;
when that is all I should have done while you were with me.
I love and miss you so much.


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