Thursday, October 26, 2017

777: Self Responsibility

It is 8:41am.

It is so cold you guys. I am sitting here in 2 pairs of pants, a t-shirt and a sweatshirt. The heater is on, but I think the sun coming out does the most work in warming up the bus, so I am happy to see it this morning.

Gabriel sounds like he has a cold, which is not surprising with the dramatic change of temperatures throughout the day. Please send him some healing love and prayers. I'm sure he would appreciate it.

Gabriel is also counting his Halloween candy and adding 2+2 to make 4 pieces. Which is wonderful. He is learning at his own pace, but he is still so excited about learning that he incorporates it in his own playtime. Kids are so cool.

Last night we went to two Trunk or Treats, and I tried to convince the kids that it was our Halloween celebration and that on Halloween we would just make cookies and eat pizza and watch Halloween movies....but now Gabriel is telling me we have to go door to door Trick or Treating. This makes me miss Florida, where Halloween night we would go to Celebration and the houses were decorated almost as elaborate as people decorate for Christmas. Gabriel would gleefully run to the porches and touch all the pumpkins and get such excitement from getting his candy. He would want to stay and do all the houses, even when his brothers were tired and we had more than enough candy.

I haven't missed Florida lately, but this morning I really do. I miss the hikes. I miss the beach. I miss the park. I miss Publix lol. I miss Halloween.

I miss excitement and adventure. I miss the feeling of an independent lifestyle. I miss being in the same room with my husband.

I am trying to stay positive, so today I am going to incorporate these things I miss into a list of things I want --and then start making plans to make them happen.

I have felt so stuck lately. But I am the only one who can change that, so today I am going to take personal responsibility and take whatever steps to making that happen.

I think I am going to get the boys to do the same. We all need to work on goals and turning them into reality.

And with that bit of self encouragement, I am going to go make breakfast for these kiddos and start our day!

Sending you all lots of love! Have a beautiful day and do something amazing. Love yourself. You deserve it.

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for our earth. Pray for our families. Pray for our children. Pray for our hearts. Pray for our minds. Pray for our bodies. Pray for peace. Pray for love. Pray for hope. And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you.

Oh sweet boy.
What would you be for Halloween this year?
What would you love?
What kind of candy would you eat?
Tell me.
Visit me in a dream.
I miss you so much Elijah.
I love you more.

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