Wednesday, October 25, 2017

776: Mom Powers on Point

It is 8:11am

And it is coooolllllddddddddd.

Last night we went to bed with only 1/2 our heater lit because it was just cold enough to be comfortable on the bus. This morning, I woke up reaching for blankets and kids to snuggle with but couldn't get warm enough fast enough. Finally, I stumbled out of bed and remembered that the heater was only 1/2 way on and turned it to full power. Even though it is a small space, it will take a little while for it to warm up in here. So I have the kids bundled up in blankets and I am sitting here debating a second pair of pants waiting for the sun to come out and do its thing. Burrrrrrrrrr.

So what are you guys up to today?

I have 2 Halloween costumes to make before tonight's Trunk or Treats we are going to. Julien wants to be a T-Rex and Gabriel wants to be a fox thing from Fight Nights at Freddy's (oh my). I am going to head to the store soon to get some boxes and spray paint and get started. Nothing like a last minute "mom-made" costume to get you through these week early Halloween events.

Last night, we carved a pumpkin at the library and it was a lot of fun. I haven't carved a pumpkin in so long because I forgot how messy it all was lol. So thank you very much Natchitoches Parish Library for letting all these families come in your space and make a mess and have some fun. We love our library!

Here is our pumpkin named "Jack":

So remember yesterday how I was talking about writing for a contest about a Living Wage? Well, there seems to be a few different ideas as to what a Living Wage is exactly. Here is an excellent Ted Talk on what I imagined a Living Wage is and should be. As far as the contest goes, I will have to read over it again and make sure that we are in agreement, and it is not just talking about a higher minimum wage rate.

Oh if only "Kelly for President" was a thing. Lol. But, as in all politics, the decision to go to a universal living wage would be up to more people than just me. Sadly, many people still hold the idea that if you just give people money they will be lazy and not contribute to our society. (If you are one of those people, please watch the above video, and just humor me for a moment. You have a right to disagree, and you also have an opportunity to be educated on my viewpoint without a nasty argument).

P.S. I believe that each of you reading this blog are an amazing individual who is worth more than all the money in the world. I love you guys--for realz.

Alright, it is time for me to embrace the cold, fix these kids some warm oatmeal and then go to the bank, the grocery store, maybe learn a thing or two about Halloween with the kids, and make some Halloween Costumes ALL before 5pm tonight lol. My mom powers are on point today. It is an amazing day. 

Time to go change the world!!!!

Do something amazing today, and then tell me about it in the comments below. I want to know what amazing things are going on in your life and cheer you on. And remember to love yourself, because you are worth it. 

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for our earth. Pray for our families. Pray for our children. Pray for our hearts. Pray for our minds. Pray for our bodies. Pray for peace. Pray for hope. Pray for LOVE. And always always pray for my sweet sweet Elijah.

Have a beautiful day you guys. Thank you.

Oh sweet boy. 
You are my everything,
and I miss you so much.
I love you Elijah.

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