Tuesday, October 24, 2017

775: Living Wage

It is 9:44am

Good morning everyone! It is a beautiful morning. I just turned the heater down and the sun is shining bright through the bus windows. The kids are eating oatmeal and having some free time as I get ready for the day ahead. I am ready for a great day. I am ready for a great life.

How is your morning going?

Last night me and Levi (and the kids) ate at Wendy's after our MMA classes and had a brainstorming session for some stories I am working on. One is the novel I have been writing, and the other is for a short story contest about a society that benefits from a living wage. The second of these is going to be a bit different for me, because it is almost political even though it is fictional. It will require me stepping out of my comfort zone a bit and to do research. BUT, it could also get my writing in front of some impressive writers and when I win I get the pay of a living wage for a year. So that is pretty cool.

Because I am a full time writer, it is time to act like one and make some money! I am ready for the financial abundance and blessings to bring my family to a point where we can live comfortably and give back abundantly!

I am in a really good place today and I just want to honor that. I know my Elijah is shining down on me and telling me it is my time to shine. It is my time to change the world. It is my time to be happy.

I feel like it is really your time to shine too! I am sending you lots of love. Have a beautiful day.

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for our earth. Pray for our families. Pray for our children. Pray for peace. Pray for hope. Pray for joy. Pray for you. Pray for me. And always always pray for my sweet Elijah.

Thank you

Oh sweet sweet boy.
Look at how beautiful you are.
I loved that little monster p.j. set.
You were my sweet little monster.
I love and miss you so much.

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