Tuesday, November 21, 2017

803: School Bus Yellow Happy

It is 2:40.

I am sitting in bed, still in my pj's because it is cold and nasty outside and the kids are on "break" from learning this week. I am also waiting for the text/call to go pick up Alex from BoyScout camp.

It's okay that I am still in bed though, because I have been productive--watching youtube videos about craft fair setups, and finishing up the packaging for my earrings.

Now to just figure out what else to sell lol. I've got some ideas, I am just hoping they come together soon and work because Christmas Festival is only 2 weekends away 😜

Right now, I've got my books, earrings, candies, buttons. I am possibly going to add some bracelets, t-shirts, bows, and painted signs--Obviously all of this is geared towards kids.

So now, what to name the booth. Because I need to get a sign and possibly cards??? But mainly because I need something for people to identify with. So I was thinking--

what about "School Bus Yellow Happy?"

Is that too long? Or too many syllables? Will people remember that? lol. You guys, I am seriously overthinking all of this lol. I love it, but I want it to be perfect. I want to do this right.

Of course I am still going to dedicate it to Elijah, and I think it could really help Love Elijah make a big impact because of the flow of people we will likely see at Christmas Festival. I have a little Christmas tree I am going to have set up for all the children in heaven and I still have all these pamphlets and little trinkets about pregnancy and infant loss. If it is tastefully done, I could have them placed in my booth to spread awareness and provide families comfort in knowing that there is support out there if they have lost a child. Also, we can build on our acts of kindness and continue to raise funds toward special projects like our Little Library if we decided to tour and do other shows in the future.

I just feel like it fits our family right now...you know--the whole living on a school bus and just trying our best to be happy.

Any thoughts? Suggestions? Ideas?

Thank you for all your continued support.

Sending you all lots of love. Be brave. Live you dreams. You only have one life, so how are you living it?

Please keep praying for our world. Pray for our Earth. Pray for our families. Pray for our children. Pray for peace. Pray for love. Pray for hope. And always always pray for my sweet sweet Elijah.

Thank you.

Oh sweet boy.
Send me some love and guidance.
I love and miss you.

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