Thursday, December 14, 2017

826: Building a Library

It is 8:19pm.

Today has been such a gloomy day. I have been frustrated, kind of bummed, or tired all day. I fought through it all to be succesfull in reading at the library this morning to some really adorable pre-k kiddos and so that I could also work on my sleeping mat made of grocery bags and Elijah's Little Library.

Speaking of the little library, it looks like our library is actually going to be pretty huge lol.

As simple as this 1/2 way done box looks to assemble, these last two days have been hard on my neck and arm, so we are taking it easy and completing a little at a time. In fact, I still have a headache from using a drill earlier. But it is so worth it. I love that Alex and I have such a big part in building this library together. This is a memory that we will always share, and I am so happy to share it with him.

(P.S. I decided to build the library instead of ordering it, because I wanted our family to have a bigger "part" in it. The memories of building a library together are far better than purchasing one. All money we raised has been used for building supplies, tools, paint, and of course books! We are still going to register the library with Free Little Library so we can be on the register and will continue to purchase books from time to time to keep the library with new and relevant information and entertainment! Thank you again for all your support!) 

Next step is to install the shelf inside, and start painting--then comes the door and post. I hope to get it up by December 22nd as planned, but we are working around Christmas plans with family and my neck and arm pain, so I am just going to breath and do the best I can--because that is all I can do.

I know this little library is going to bring such big blessings to our community. Elijah's love continues to amaze me.

Now, just to figure out how to paint it.

Did any of you stay up last night to see the meteor shower? Alex was the only kid that made it to 11:30, and we went and stood out in the cold and saw 8 BEAUTIFUL meteors seemingly fall from the sky. So amazing.

Alright guys, my head is pounding, my arm is throbbing and Gabriel has been asleep for over an hour. I need to get to bed.

If life is tough for you right now, you are not alone. I am having some tough days too. We can get through this together. You are loved and you are worth it.

OH! Here is today's YouTube video! Thank you for watching. The kids are so excited to share our adventures with everyone. We are far from being YouTube stars lol, but they really enjoy being a YouTube family, and I am all about fueling their passions:

Snow Sledding in Georgia

Keep praying for our world. Pray for our Earth. Pray for our families. Pray for our children. Pray for hope. Pray for peace. Pray for love. And always always pray for our sweet sweet Elijah.

Thank you!

Sending you all my love,
over and over again.
Sending you all my love, 
I can't wait until I see you again.
I love and miss you so much Elijah.

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