Sunday, May 29, 2016

One week.

It is 11:01pm

So much to catch up on...but I will do my best.

First, it is exactly one week from Elijah's first bare with me as I try and get through this week. I am sure there will be some really rough days ahead.

If you want to help us celebrate Elijah's birthday, we are asking everyone to do one act of kindness (no matter how small or big) and post it to social media using the hashtag #loveelijah.

I created a Facebook Event for it, if you want more info. But I am pretty sure I will remind you on the blog too:

OK, next, promised pictures from yesterday's hike for Elijah. This is only our 3rd and we still have 95 to go and just one year and one week to get them all done. So wish us luck, lol.

This one has been my favorite hike yet:

There is a cardinal in this picture. It is the red dot in the middle of all the brush. 

That is not all the pictures, but most of them. It was just an amazing day for a hike I suppose. I am so glad we went.

I'm sure every hike for Elijah will be beautiful, but I cannot wait to see the one that tops this hike.

OK, now on to today, and something I am very excited about.

We did our first live interview with an Angel Mom for The Love, Elijah Project and it was fantastic. I will have to get better equipment at somepoint, but I really feel like the content of the interview was just amazing. Our guest did an amazing job and I am so thankful and so proud. I can't wait to get it all edited and share it with you guys...

Here are just 2 sneak peek photos from our Love Elijah Shop "modeling session" ;)

What an adorable couple...I have more great photos coming. All great, I promise. 

So...yep. That is me catching up with you all.

As always, I am keeping busy to keep from falling apart. But right now, I am actually quite pleased with our slow progress, and am trying to stay positive about the direction I am headed in.

Thanks for reading, and keep praying for me and my family. Pray for The Love, Elijah Project. And always, pray for my Elijah.

One week buddy. Help me stay together. Help me stay strong. So many people have already said they were going to do an act of kindness for you. I am just hoping I can hold it together that day to do some too.
We love and miss you so much.
Good night my boogie.


  1. I will be praying for you. June is a tough month for me too. He's so handsome! My daughter should be turning 4 on June 21.

    1. thank you so much. sending the prayers and hugs right back at you!


1,520 days: Overwhelm.

It is 8:49am. Everyone is still asleep... I have my "happy light" shining into my  peripheral  vision, and my vitamins and medic...