Tuesday, June 28, 2016

13--Full Circle

It is 10:04pm

Tomorrow is my oldest son Alex's 13th birthday.

At this time 13 years ago, I was headed to the hospital in Shreveport, Louisiana only to be told that I should turn around and go home because I wasn't in labor yet....only to drive an hour back to Natchitoches, take a bath, count my contractions and turn around and go to the hospital anyway.

I don't know how it has been 13 years...so much has happened.

I have totally come full circle.

From a young a stupid girl who thought (at first) that her pregnancy was some sort of curse, to a mother who would give anything to just hold her baby again.

I'll expand on this later, because I think it brings up some interesting points, but not tonight.

Nothing I have written tonight seems right...

But just know that nothing in the world could ever make me regret Alex and I am so proud of my son and the adventures we have had together.

I am so nervous and excited about him officially becoming a teenager tomorrow.

It is just crazy.

Please keep praying for us. Pray for Alex to have a good birthday and that he grows into a  adventurous and respectable young man. Pray for the world. And always always pray for my Elijah.

Oh sweet boy.
I remember holding you in my lap this way. 
I didn't want to move you.
I should have just held you longer.

Thank you for visiting me in my dreams last night.
It was nice to hold you and see you smiling and laughing.
You must have known how much I needed that.

Tomorrow is Alex's birthday.
I know how much you loved him.
Shine down on him

We love and miss you so much.

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