Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I Am Officially The Mother of A Teenager

It 10:12pm

Today is my son Alex's birthday and it has been a really nice day.

We went swimming this morning, came back and relaxed until the kid's MMA class.

At their class the kids had a stripe test and Julien and Alex both got a new stripe and Alex got to grapple with the coach and they all wished Alex, "happy birthday." This was huge for Alex because he really loves his MMA classes. I was pretty proud too.

Then we went out to eat at a Dragon Ball Themed noodle restaurant, and the kids all behaved and the food was really good...

And then we came back and had a cookie cake I made for Alex, which killed my dieting efforts I have made for the last 2 weeks lol.

I found lots of old pictures of Alex as a baby that I have in these little photo boxes I keep and as much as it made me so proud to be Alex's mom, it made me miss holding a baby right now...because I should be. I should be holding Elijah...

It will always be hard to look at our kids' baby pictures...which sucks so bad.

It is hard to hear them talk about when they were babies..

It is just so hard to think of how things should be today, and having to keep going with the way they are.

And that sucks...especially when you just want to enjoy a good day like today...Alex's 13th birthday.

I can't believe he is an official teenager now.

We have truly grown up together and I couldn't be prouder to be his mother.

He changed my life in ways I will never be able to put in words, and he is my best friend.

He is always there to give me a hug and tell me he loves me when he sees me tear up when missing Elijah or having a hard day--even when I have my walls up and am not easy to love.

He will walk four miles with me in a hot muggy forest and never complain. He has the goofiest since of humor and the biggest heart.

We are working on some listening what parent isn't.

And when it comes down to it, Alex is one of the four biggest blessings in my life. And I am so so proud of him and love him more than anyone can ever imagine.

So here is my little photo tribute to Alex (and I see little, because I literally have over 1,000 photos of this kid lol)...

I can't believe I have a teenage son!!!!!

Oh Elijah!
Your big brother Alex had such a good day today,
I just wish you were here to enjoy it with us.
Today on the way to the pool, I stopped to get a big cup of ice at the gas station and your brothers wanted a treat, so I decided to grab them some ring pops (because we broke all dieting rules today), and I picked up 4 without thinking, because I counted 4 kids in my head.
We have missed you so much today.
It was nice when your brothers behaved at the restaurant, but all I could think about is how we should have a cranky and messy little baby boy causing us hell..
These are small moments that steal my breath.
It is crazy the things I miss most with you that most parents would never in 1000000000 years think they will ever miss.

Shine down on Alex tonight...maybe send him a sweet dream. He was so good to you. And I know you loved him so much.

Goodnight my boogie.

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