Monday, June 20, 2016


It is 9:49pm.

I am semi proud of myself today...

Notice that I say semi.

I haven't gone to the gym in a few weeks.

I gave myself the excuse of Elijah's birthday to not go...and then it kind of snowballed from there.

But I am not happy with my body at all.

I have been eating so much crap and I am getting grandma arms and a gut.

I am okay with me. I am okay with who I am...but I just don't want to get out of shape.

So today, I cut out the Dr. Pepper (again), and I made better choices in what I ate...and I started the 30 day plank

But I made a step in the right direction.

Now, if I could get the rest of my life together.

The kids started Vacation Bible School today and I am hoping that they are enjoying it.

While they were there I managed to get laundry caught up at the laundry mat, so that was another small adult win.

I am caught up on all Etsy orders...

Now to just figure out what to do for The Love, Elijah Project and this art studio I have just sitting here...

Oh! And our Amazing Race Audition is this Sunday.

Today I bought some t-shirts and decals and tomorrow I am going to make us Team Elijah shirts.

I want to also write angel baby names all over our shirts too and maybe make a poster with Elijah's pictures all over it.

I just really want on this show.

As you can tell my brain is all over the place right now and I really should be getting some rest.

Thank you for reading my rambles.

Please keep praying for me--that maybe I find some direction soon. Pray for the world. Pray for my family...and always always, pray for my sweet Elijah.

Elijah I am going to do everything I can to get us on this show 
and spread your name and love everywhere I can.
And if not...well I will still find a way to spread your name and love everywhere I can.
You are that important to me.
I love you so much <3

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