Friday, June 17, 2016

Grief Island (your loss matters too)

It is 10:25pm.

We have had another beautiful day here in Georgia and I am so very thankful, but I want to take a second and be honest and talk about something that just caught my eye of Facebook...and It is this:

I want to talk about it because even though we have chosen to honor Elijah's legacy in #kindness and love, we all know grief has an ugly side too.

It can make you bitter and jealous.

It can make you feel alone even when you are not.

It can make you turn into something you are not.

With all that has happened this past week, it has really opened up some ugly feelings in my soul.

I have fought very hard to hide them because they don't represent the person I want to be, but with all the chaos and mass loss this pass week, it has been hard.

And it may be hard for some of you too...that is why I am sharing this.

I want you to know that it is okay to feel these things, just don't let it drag you under.

Know that you matter, and your loss matters too.

For those who feel like they are on an island of isolated grief and feel like no one cares, please know I do.

I think there is this thought process that almost everyone who goes through unspeakable tragedy gets a news story and community support and endless outreach...and truth be told....very few people actually do.

It is beautiful thing when it happens...I am not knocking that...but my heart goes out to the parents or families that mourn alone in silence.

Please know that if you feel isolated in your grief, there really are people out there who care.

I am going to put it on my to do list to research and make a resource list for the isolated griever, and maybe we can work on something through The Love, Elijah Project to send out to make them feel like someone cares...

I don't know. I just can see how you would get lost in all this madness...and I don't want anyone to feel like they don't matter...because everyone does.

Anddd I'm rambling.

I'll stop.

But tonight while you are praying for all of the victims of these horrible tragedies we all know about (and please do), please also pray for the ones we dont.

Also, if you wouldn't mind, pray for me. Pray for my family. And always...pray for my Elijah.

Oh sweet boy.
This place is so beautiful.
I wish we could share it with you.
Last night oh and a dream about being pregnant.
Some really rude woman was asking me if I would ever have enough children and I could feel it crush me to my soul, because she had no idea I had lost you and no ammount of children would ever be enough after that.
Even dreams can be cruel sometimes.
I love and miss you so much.
Keep shining down on us.

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