Saturday, June 18, 2016


It is 10:31pm

Tomorrow we leave Georgia.

I am kind of sad, but I know that we have lots of work to get back to and the kids have VBS this week and need to go back to their karate/mma classes too.

And in just a couple of weeks we are going to be headed to Louisiana and Texas, so things are just steady busy from this point on this summer.

But busy is good.

Especially when it involves positive things and family time.

Today we got another hike done for our 98 hikes for Elijah.

We are now at Hike #8. (<click link to see pics on my Facebook page)

In the last two days, a few 'angel moms' have reached out to me in private messages and have really uplifted me and helped me feel a little bit better about the strides I had made to leave some sort of positive legacy for Elijah, because honestly, lately I felt like I had been slacking... so I am really glad they did, because I needed it so very badly...and more importantly, it was really nice to know that Elijah's story is continuing to touch other mother's going through the loss of a child. <3

I suppose I will always have my up and downs...I just had seen my blog views drop this week and I have really been fighting with my own grief since Elijah's birthday and it seems like since then the world just exploded and I have just been out in left field somewhere picking daisies.

But I am trying to stay positive and I have made a list of things to work at for this week, when we return to Florida.

So just hang in there with me...

And keep praying.

Pray for the world. Pray for Orlando. Pray for those who we don't know even need prayers. Pray for me. Pray for my family. And always always, pray for my sweet Elijah.

Tomorrow is Father's Day and I haven't even discussed it with your dad.
I know these days are hard on all of us, but please shine down on your dad, because I know it will especially hard on him.
He loves and misses you so much.
We all do.

I found your heart today <3
Thank you.
I loved it.

Good night my boogie. Sweet dreams. 

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